Getting started with Orange Design System for Android


Orange is providing a full Design System to build Orange Mobile Application. The objective of the Orange Design System (ODS) is to propose a set of guidelines on how to apply the Orange Brand on mobile applications. The Orange design System also provides a series of components and modules that show in details how to use this in the Orange apps.

The Orange Design System has been implemented in a code library that provides:

  • a Jetpack Compose code library
  • a demo app that can be launched to show the components and modules
  • this demo app also shows how to use the lib or style existing components

Using these resources will allow you to create Orange branded applications faster and will inherit all the work that was done to make sure that all presented codes are fully tested with regard to the brand and the accessibility compliance.

The ODS library is compatible with Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher.


1. Depend on our library

Orange Design System for Android is available through Maven Central Repository. To use it:

  1. Open the build.gradle file for your application.
  2. Make sure that the repositories section includes Maven Central. For example:

     allprojects {
       repositories {
  3. Add the library to the dependencies section:

     dependencies {
       // ...
       implementation ''
       // ...
  4. (Optional) Add an OdsThemeConfiguration implementation library to the dependencies section:

    You have the possibility to use the ODS library with another theme than the Orange theme.

     dependencies {
       // ...
       // ...

2. Compile your app with Android 11

Orange Design System library depends on Material Design library from Google. For this reason, you will have to install Android Studio 4.0 or higher to build with Android 11, and update your app’s compileSdkVersion to 31.

3. Ensure you are using AppCompatActivity

Using AppCompatActivity will ensure that all the components work correctly. If you are unable to extend from AppCompatActivity, update your activities to use AppCompatDelegate. This will enable the AppCompat versions of components to be inflated among other important things.

4. Change your app theme to inherit from a Orange Design theme

Note that Orange theme supports both light and dark mode.

In Jetpack Compose app

In the Manifest.xml file, add Theme.Orange.NoActionBar to your application:

    <!-- ... -->

Use the OdsTheme in your screens which is a Material theme extension for Jetpack Compose applications. Cause ODS support multi-theme, you should pass the OrangeThemeConfiguration as theme configuration to use the Orange theme.

OdsTheme(themeConfiguration = OrangeThemeConfiguration()) {

Note: Use another provided OdsThemeConfigurationContract implementation if you want to use a custom theme. For example InnovationCupThemeConfiguration.

In XML app

Update your app theme to inherit from Orange theme, e.g.:

<style name="Theme.MyApp" parent="Theme.Orange">
    <!-- ... -->

This theme will use the default Toolbar. If you want to provide your own Toolbar please use:

<style name="Theme.MyApp" parent="Theme.Orange.NoActionBar">
    <!-- ... -->